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Operations (beta)
Processing operations

How to process Operations

After you created an Operation, the operation needs to be signed for. You could handle this in various ways, but we do recommend using our provided SDKs.

Using our SDK

When using our SDK, processing an operation is as simple as providing the user entity id and the operation id. The SignOperation method will automatically open a browser.

StartCoroutine(beamClient.SignOperation("entity-id-of-user", "operation-id-of-api", result =>
        // handle the result here
    chainId: 13337, // defaults to 13337
    secondsTimeout: 240, // timeout in seconds for getting a response in case browser flow was chosen
    fallBackToBrowser: true // if true, opens a browser for the user to sign the operation if Session was not started

Using the provided URL

As you might have seen when creating an Operation, we return a url property in the response. The url is a URL to our web interface, which the user can use in order to sign for the Operation.

Please note that if you use the web interface, we won't provide you with a proper callback about the status of the Operation. You will need to poll our APIs' getOperation method periodically in order to know about status changes in the Operation based on user actions.

// {
//   "status": "Pending",
//   "id": "clwt0h7ej000c2jckyr2nh0cv",
//   "createdAt": "2024-05-30T08:46:42.620Z",
//   "updatedAt": null,
//   "gameId": "cltr8rde601aeakka28hbtuim",
//   "userId": "clwdehitt005biwog2szib1fh",
//   "chainId": 13337,
//   "url": "",
//   "game": {
//      ...
//   },
//   "transactions": [
//      ..
//   ]
// }